Sunday, July 7, 2013

Sharing Our News

Patrick and I were so excited about our special news, we knew we wanted to share with our family and closest friends as soon as possible. After much discussion of how we wanted to share the news with our immediate family, we decided that we would make it revolve around meals, when we would have everyone in one spot with undivided attention. I came up with the idea of making us some bibs that we would discreetly slip on while everyone had their heads bowed to say the blessing, and then when everyone looked up, we would be wearing the bibs with our announcement.
The next decision was when to tell everyone. We knew we'd be heading to Bishopville for Patrick to play in a golf tournament on my Birthday (April 27), which was exactly one week after we had found out we were pregnant. I knew I wanted to share with my parents the same week. It was easy enough to convince my parents that I wanted to go out to eat with them for my Birthday before we left for Bishopville. So we made plans to meet them at The Clock restaurant in Moonville (that was the best halfway point we could come up with between Greenville and Greenwood) on Thursday, April 25. Unfortunately, my dad got called into work that night, but we were way too excited to hold it in at that point and knew we still wanted to meet my mom. So, we met her there. We were so nervous/excited to share our news with her, we couldn't even wait for the blessing. Patrick had gotten several options for his logo design for his dental practice that week, and we gave my mom Patrick's phone to look at the design and pick her favorite. She was so enthralled with looking down at the phone, we decided to go ahead and slip on the bibs. She continued looking at the designs for several minutes after we put the bibs on, so I finally had to say, "Momma! Look up!" So she looked up, saw the bibs, and didn't know whether to laugh/cry/scream, etc. It was great! We immediately called my dad, and I shared the news with him. Little did I know, my parents had been "collecting" baby items for the last year and had been riding around with them hidden in their car, waiting for that exact moment. So, my mom already had gifts for her grandbaby as soon as we told the news! You think they were ready to be Yiayia and Papou?


So, next was Patrick's family. Patrick's mom had big plans for a Birthday breakfast for me before Shannon and Patrick went to play in the golf tournament on Saturday, April 27. Allison had to stay home in Charleston to study for her final exams, despite our biggest attempts (and babysitting offers haha) to talk her into coming. So, that morning at breakfast, Patrick offered to say the blessing. As he was saying the blessing, we discreetly slipped on the bibs. He ended with the blessing with, "Thank you for our family and we ask that you continue to look after us as our family continues growing." I think Shannon was the first to pick up on it, but it didn't take long before everyone was across the table giving us hugs, kisses, and sharing in our excitement. We were able to Skype with Allison (and Ellie and Anne Collins) later that week to share the news with her as well.

We went to the doctor the next week, and confirmed that we were about 5 weeks pregnant. We didn't get to schedule our first ultrasound until 5 weeks later, since we moved to Anderson in between those times and had to pick a new doctor. At 10 weeks, we got to see our baby on ultrasound for the first time, and we got to hear the strong heartrate (~160bpm). That's the best sight and sound I've ever seen and heard! We then began sharing the news with some of our closest friends and extended family. We tried to tell most of them in person, but also e-mailed some. Demi was happy about the e-mail because she got to take her turn in the spotlight.


This has been the most exciting time of our lives! We only thought we knew how much love and support we had during our wedding festivities, but it has become even more evident now that we have a little one on the way. I'm convinced that this is going to be the most blessed and loved baby in the world!

Discovering Baby Carter

Saturday, April 20 is a day that we will never forget. We had been in Edisto for Nannie's (Patrick's grandmother) funeral. For obvious reasons it had been an emotional several days, between mourning the loss of such an incredible person and spending time with Patrick's extended family we don't get to see often. When we got home that Saturday, I had a "gut feeling" that it was time to take a pregnancy test. I took the pregnancy test, finished unloading some of the stuff from the car, and went back to look at the results... POSITIVE. I couldn't believe my eyes. Patrick was sitting on the couch and I'll never forget his first words when I told him: "BABE, that's AWESOME!" The next step was to decide when to share the news...

Getting Started...

After making multiple attempts at getting a blog started for me and Patrick, I have decided to start simple. I have had an awfully hard time attempting to install the cute templates I have seen on so many of your blogs, but hopefully I will learn along the way! Most importantly, I want and need a way to keep in touch with friends and family, and keep them "posted" on all of the exciting things Patrick and I have going on right now! Many (ok, MOST) of my posts will revolve around the baby boy we are expecting around December 26 of this year, right after our 4 year wedding anniversary.