Thursday, November 10, 2016

A prayer for my Banks

I didn't write this prayer, I got it off of Instagram, but it really touched me. OH how I love my precious boy, and pray these things for him!

Dear Lord,

Your gifts are many,
I am thankful for every one.

One of the greatest gifts you've given
Is the gift of my dear son.
Thank you for his life, dear Lord,
Watch over him each day.
May he be safe and free of harm
As he goes about each day.

Bless him through life's trials.
Help him choose right from wrong.
An example be, for all to see,
Standing tall, and proud, and strong.


2 Months Old

Georgia turned two months old last week! These are her stats:

Weight: 10lbs, 8oz; 32%
Length: 22.5 inches; 46%
Head circumference: 14.9 inches; 32%

At her two month check-up, Dr.Maddox said she is perfect. That is music to my ears! She is doing great with her sleeping, and better with her tummy issues. I'm still avoiding as much dairy as possible, and that seems to help, along with her Ranitidine for her reflux. She still spits up a lot, but it doesn't seem as painful. She is still sleeping from about 11-6 at night, which is fantastic. She doesn't take more than about 20-30 minute naps during the day. She still loves being in the Baby Bijorn, and takes her best naps strapped on to her Momma. Really, she does everything best when she is with her Momma. Georgia girl is quite the clinger, but I don't mind one bit! She continues to reject the bottle. We've tried 8 different brands now, and I've got the 9th brand coming in the mail as we speak. I have started taking her to daycare for about 1-2 hours at a time for the last two weeks, mostly to have them help me try to get her to take a bottle. They have had a little luck, but she still hasn't taken more than 2 oz over the course of 2 hours, and boy does she get MAD when they are giving her the bottle. I'm hoping and praying that brand #9 does the trick. I only have two weeks left of maternity leave!

Georgia is really smiling, making eye contact, following us around the room, and starting to find her hands. She is super strong with head control and tummy time, and every time we try to lay her on our chest or lap, she seems to want to straighten those little legs and stand up. She is so aware (maybe even nosey, haha), and loves when we talk to her. She definitely craves human interaction, and her big brother gives her plenty of that. Banks is still doing great with her, and uses the sweetest little voice when he's talking to her. He brings her blankets and tells me to "feed her" when she is crying. He gives her lots of kisses, and loves to "hold her hand." My heart explodes every time he interacts with her. My two little loves!!

Please note the hand holding! <3

Fall and Halloween Fun

Holidays are so much fun with Banks now that he "gets it." He was a wolf for Halloween, and talked about it for weeks. We kept trying to get him to howl, but he continued to tell us that wolves "don't howl," but rather they, "huff and pull and blow your house down." So, he proceeded to blow at everyone instead of howl while he trick or treated. We took him to Boulevard Baptist's fall festival, and then to trunk or treat at Concord Church to trick or treat. He also got to visit Denver Downs, and he LOVED sitting on all of the tractors. We decided to paint pumpkins this year instead of carving them, and he had a blast doing that. He didn't stop until almost every inch of the pumpkin was covered. He is very thorough! He loved hanging out with his buddy Mattox at the fall events.