Thursday, October 16, 2014

9 NINE months!

Banks is 9 months old. NINE months old! He is quite the comic and Mr.Independent. He got rid of that helmet and has been discharged from physical therapy. The physical therapist said he is really advanced with his gross motor skills, and believes he will grow out of the head tilt. Speaking of gross motor skills, he is SO mobile. He can pull up on anything and everything, and is beginning to let go of things to stand for a few seconds without holding on. The ladies at daycare constantly tell me that Banks is the "dare devil, trouble maker, wild man." He gets it from his Daddy :-)

He no longer nurses at all (he stopped right after he turned 8mos) and eats his pureed food like a champ. He is not a fan of any table food, or any solids with texture. He actually gags and sometimes makes himself vomit when we try to get him to eat anything besides pureed foods. I'm sure he will eat and develop a taste for more foods at his own pace, just as he as done everything else. We will keep introducing him to new things! He has had quite a bit of illness this month, upper respiratory infections, his first ear infection, coughing, and the latest is a tummy bug. His pediatrician says it's just part of being in daycare. We don't mind dealing with the "normal" little illnesses considering what we went through with his kidney. He sleeps through the night most of the time now unless he is sick and needing some extra TLC.

He now has 6 teeth and now the bottom left lateral incisor is starting to come through, which will make 7. I thought I would miss that gummy smile, but seeing him flash those teeth is super cute too! His stats from his 9month appointment:

Weight: Just under 20lbs - 50th %
Height: 30th %
Head circumference: 60th %

He went through a phase about 2 months ago where he said "mamamamama" all the time. All of a sudden that stopped and now he is on to, "Dada." It seems that "Dada" will have to be marked as his first real word. He says it directly to Patrick when he walks in the room. As much as I hate to admit it, it might just be the cutest thing in the world to hear that little voice calling his sweet Daddy.

This boy steals our heart every second we are with him. He is SO SWEET and even if he is wild, I love his precious little spirit that shines through more every day.

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