Oh, Banks! My sweet, sweet baby boy. You are well into your two's now, and I'm still trying to figure out what's so terrible about it? I have found myself saying at every stage of your life that, "this is the best age!" You have truly been such a joy, and I think so much of that has to do with you being YOU. You are such a special little guy.
With all of the worries we had during your medical scares - kidneys, head tilt, neurologist, PT, OT, helmet, and so on... you have always been so tough and precious. Caring for you during those times only made our love and appreciation for you grow stronger, but sometimes we weren't able to just enjoy and have as much FUN. I feel like we have really made up for it over the past year, and we have just eaten you up and enjoyed every second! You are mischievous in your own little way, but you are more of a little clown than anything. You love making us laugh, especially by saying things like, "Mommy, you're a cupcake!" You are surprisingly obedient for a two year old, and when we really tell you to do something, you usually just respond with the sweetest, "OK Mommy/Daddy." You are also very sensitive, and when you do get into trouble, we have to walk a fine line of disciplining you enough while not completely breaking your heart. You definitely want to make your Mommy and Daddy (and teachers, grandparents, etc) happy, and you don't like to feel like we are upset with you. You always want a hug and a kiss, and some cuddles, after coming out of time out. You are way more of a listener than a talker when in a group of your "friends," and you like to observe what's going on around you before diving in. Your teachers continue to praise you at school for following their directions and staying out of trouble for the most part. I've actually been told that we need to, "toughen you up," but I know that you are tough in your own way and I wouldn't change your sweet heart and gentle nature for the world.
You love all of your musical toys (mostly your guitar and "microphone," which is actually the stand for your mop and broom), and put on a nightly performance for us. We've decided that we're definitely putting you in children's choir and music lessons early. You also love using your golf clubs, or "cubs," so golf lessons will be in your future as well. Mops, brooms, vacuums, cloths, spray bottles, and other cleaning items remain in your top choice of toys. You are also getting more into tools and tractors. You get really excited when we have to call someone to come do work on our house, and you love to pretend that you are a "man" working too. You get your tools out, put on your safety goggles and tool belt, climb as high as you can on the couch, and say, "Look, I is a man." You have gotten more into books and reading, which we enjoy cuddling and doing together. You are starting to potty train, which you pretty much initiated on your own. You know most of the words to several songs ("Deep and Wide," "Jesus Loves me," "Row Your Boat," "Wheels on the Bus"), but you pick up on the lyrics to any song you hear really quickly, and love to sing along. You know several letters of the alphabet, all of your colors, most of your shapes, and you can count to 3 consistently. You are still such a good sleeper, taking a two hour nap daily, and rarely get less than 11-12 hours of sleep a night. You still want me and Daddy BOTH to tuck you in at night, but in the morning you always yell for, "Mommy" first (which I LOVE).
You are still an extremely picky eater (and drinker). It's a miracle if we can get you to try something new, and an even bigger miracle if you like it. You do, however, love you some sweets - cookies, cakes, ice cream, pudding.
You are understanding more and more that you're going to be having a baby sister, and you like to show us where she is going to sleep. Sometimes you put your hand on my tummy and ask if she is moving, and other times you get upset if she "kicks" you while your hand is on my tummy. Sometimes you ask to play with her. Your nurturing, loving, and gentle nature is made for a big brother to a baby sister. I tell you every day that you are my "sweet heart," which is the most accurate way I can describe you. I pray that the Lord forever protects your sweet heart.
Thank YOU for making the two's so much fun, and not terrible at all.