Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Preparing for Georgia

I can't believe we are already fast approaching Georgia's arrival. Since Banks was induced at 39 weeks and it was such a smooth labor and delivery, Dr.Shelley and I have decided that the best plan of action is to plan for another induction at 39 weeks for baby girl. So if she doesn't decide to come earlier, I will be induced on September 1st (which also happens to be the opening day of football season this year). September 1st is on a Thursday, which is the same day of the week Banks was born on, so that gives me happy thoughts. I have been closely followed by maternal-fetal medicine to check for any kidney issues due to Banks' medical history, and I feel so blessed to say that all looks perfect.

We have been so lucky that several of our friends have wanted to celebrate baby #2 with us. Kayla and Byron and Audra and Joey threw us a little cookout party at the Guffee's. Heather and Brad came from Charlotte, and Brantley also came. It was the perfect little group of close friends to celebrate with. The next week, Faith organized a "sprinkle" with a small group of girls from work at Earle Street Kitchen. We got lots of cute "girl" items, diapers, and books. With this being our second child, we really don't need much, but it's been fun to see what everyone picks out for our baby girl.

The nursery is complete...

As far as having everything we "need," we are ready! As far as being "prepared,"we have a lot more to consider this time around. A second pregnancy is so different, both physically and emotionally. I remember being so anxious about labor and delivery at this point with Banks, and this time I feel myself being much more relaxed about that, yet I'm so much more anxious about the life changes and postpartum stage with Georgia. My number one priority is, of course, Banks. The thought of how much his little world is going to change scares me and makes me a little sad, while also feeling so happy that we are giving him someone that will adore him and be there for him for the rest of his life. Change is never easy for anyone, and I know that once we get past the initial shock of the changes, it will all be perfect for our little family. I just pray that we are able to make sure that Banks never doubts that we will always love him the same as we do right now. I never knew how true it was that having a child is like having your heart walking around outside of your body, and that's the exact love I feel for Banks. I always refer to the day I had Banks as the best day of my life, and that is so true. It is the day I became his Mommy, and felt that love for the first time. The only thing I am completely confident of is that nothing, not even another baby, will ever be able to change that moment in my life, and nothing will ever be able to change the love I have for my baby boy and oldest child.

Carrie Underwood has a song called, "What I Never Knew I Always Wanted," and I sing it to Banks at bedtime sometimes (when Patrick's not home haha) because it describes my love for him perfectly:

"Never pictured myself singing lullabies
Sitting in a rocking chair in the middle of the night
In the quiet, in the dark
You're stealing every bit of my heart with your daddy's eyes
What a sweet surprise

And now I'm holdin' what I never knew I always wanted
I couldn't see; I was blind 'til my eyes were opened
I didn't know there was a hole
Something missing in my soul
'Til you filled it up, oh, with your love

Live has a way of showing you just what you need
And who you were made to be."

As we welcome Georgia next week, I know that life, and the Lord, will once again show me exactly what I never knew I always wanted, and that my heart will grow and expand in a way I can't even imagine now.

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