Saturday, January 14, 2017

Georgia is Four Months Old

Georgia turned four months old last week. What a little ball of sweetness she has become! She is the smiley-est baby, and SO vocal. She is making all kinds of sounds, the most recent one being "mmmm," and she pokes out her lips in a pucker when she says it. She is obsessed with her hands, constantly touching and trying to grasp things, and of course always wants to bring everything to her mouth. She is slobbering like crazy, but we love those little slobbery "kisses." She is doing better with the bottle, but still not as well as she does off the "tap." She eats enough during the day at daycare to get by, but definitely doesn't drink as much as she does when she nurses.

She is sleeping through the night (10-6) most nights. She just got over RSV and an ear infection, so that was causing her to wake up some at night again, but hopefully that was just from being sick and she will get back into her normal routine now. She has just found her feet, and is trying her best to roll over from back to stomach. We have only heard her actually laugh once, and it was with her big brother in the bathtub. She loves watching Banks running around playing. She wants to watch everything, and still likes to be held and in the center of the action as much as possible. Combined with her constant vocalizations, I predict Miss Georgia is going to be the life of the party.

She had a perfect 4 month check-up with Dr.Maddox.

Weight: 12.9, 18%
Length:24.5, 43%
Head Circumference: 15.7, 26%

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