Saturday, March 4, 2017

A Rocky Start to 2017

The beginning of 2017 was rough for us. On (Friday) January 13, we lost Demi, which was traumatic and one of the saddest moments of my life. Although we knew her heart condition was progressing, nothing could have prepared us for her collapsing that morning and us having to make one of the most difficult decisions. The most difficult part was having to explain to Banks that Demi wasn't going to be at the house anymore. Demi was his best buddy and shadow. The emptiness in our house is so apparent and we miss her every single day.  To make matters worse, Patrick had the flu during the same weekend we had to say goodbye to Demi, and my mom had strep so she wasn't able to come help either. We didn't want to ask anyone else to come into our house with the flu floating around, so we just managed. That was a rough weekend, to say the least. In trying to prevent the babies from getting the flu, I called Dr.Maddox when Patrick got diagnosed with the flu on that Friday and he started them on Tamiflu. The following Monday when I picked Banks up from school, we were home for about 2 hours when I noticed he was not able to walk very well. He was stumbling around, kind of limping, and not walking in a straight line. We took him to Kid's Care that night, and the pediatrician there said to watch him overnight and take him to Dr.Maddox the next morning if he was still doing it. Tuesday morning, he was still not walking well, so we took him in to Dr.Maddox. Dr.Maddox felt very strongly that it was the Tamiflu causing the issues, even though the pediatrician the night before said she didn't think there was any way it could be Tamiflu. With Banks' kidney issues, we know he may not process medications like other children, so it made sense to us that it could be Tamiflu causing it. I took both kids off the Tamiflu immediately, and Dr.Maddox told us to watch him for 24-48 hours and call back to let him know if it had changed. Well, on Wednesday, it had changed. He went from stumbling around and kind of limping to completely limping. I took him back in to the pediatrician, but Dr.Maddox doesn't work on Wednesdays so we saw the on-call doctor (Dr.Graham). Let's just say we got no answers, and we won't be seeing her again. On Thursday it still wasn't better, so we took him back to Dr.Maddox again. At that point, Dr.Maddox said that it could be fluid that collected on his hip, which sometimes happens after a virus, and that he no longer felt it was a neurological/coordination issue, but more of a muscular/bone type of limp. That made me feel better, but still no solid answers. It took almost a full month for his walk to get completely back to normal, but praise be to God, it did eventually get back to normal. It kills me with worry that we never got a solid answer, but I did notice during that time that his pants that I had just bought for him had gotten too short, so we measured him and he grew a whole INCH in a month! I feel in my momma heart that the growth spurt had something to do with the walking issues. Who knows though!

Thankfully, the rest of January and 2017 has been better!

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